The reason for my blog today is
because I have been enjoying an excellent discussion on Linked In with some
forward thinking individuals who really support the idea of flexible working
I was and am very aware that, in
recruitment, the best clients and best
candidates in the world, mean nothing without the best, most highly qualified
and credible consultants looking after them.
When I set up Nicholas Howard, I
knew from the word go that for me to attract leading talent into my business, I
needed to create an environment which encourages, harness and nurtures......
growth, development, enjoyment and fulfilment in the workplace.
To this end, we have tried at
least, to roll out ways of working that make it easy for our team to be
everything they want to be at work, and also to be everything they have to be
at home.
As a father of three wonderful
children myself, I was constantly frustrated in my corporate life, seeing
potential in people quashed and disheartened by unsympathetic business leaders
who seemed fixed on hours worked when judging productivity.
For me success is built not on the
hours that you work, but the work you put into your hours, and I am lucky that
the Nicholas Howard team consistently
prove this theory for me.
We work hard, and there are days when
we all have to roll up our sleeves and dig in, but more often, by offering
flexibility in hours, home based working, and remote systems set up, and
encouraging a culture of working when you can, only when you have to, we are
able to manage these hectic days, and still keep the quality of life that is so
important to all of us.
That said, all of our grand ideas would
result in nothing without the effort and patience from the team. We all do
everything we can at different times to support and accommodate each other, and
every one of the team deserves to be recognised.
We will continue to push hard to
create the best working environment possible for all members of the team and
drive towards my ultimate goal of not living with a work life balance, but enabling
a success life balance.