Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Others get out, when you put in...

I hope that my children (well two of them) forgive me for using this picture!

Recently family trip in Madrid, they had great fun on what can only be described as a futuristic see- saw.

While watching them have such fun, it struck me that neither of them was doing anything other than entertaining themselves, and deriving their own entertainment from the effort they were putting in. At the same time, on the other end of the bar, quite oblivious to these efforts, was their sibling, getting even more fun, from the efforts of the other.

It seems to me that this should be what good working relationships are about.  If we look after our own responsibilities, putting effort into making our own lives and careers successful, there will be a natural positive impact on others - and in most cases, they will not realise, they will just benefit from our actions, and be happier.

This cycle of giving benefit to others, simply from being happy and enjoying what we do, is surely the key to a successful working and home life.