Friday, 27 January 2017

Lucky Charms

Lucky Charms

I read earlier this week that on Friday 13th January, Flight 666 took flight destined for ‘HEL’….

As I read the piece about people refusing to board etc, I’ll admit I thought ‘how ridiculous’!  But then I checked myself somewhat - I think I have superstitions riddled throughout my life…

  • When getting ready to play cricket, I always put my left batting pad on first.
  • Since starting Nicholas Howard, my lucky pen sits in the same pen slot in my brief case, even though I barely use that case anymore.
  • I never leave the house without a special keyring that means an awful lot to me.
  • I have good luck gifts from the kids scattered around my desk, and
  • I still touch wood every time I am asked how business is going.

Maybe those people not boarding that flight weren’t as different to me as I thought.   In the end, whether luck is real, or the calmness taken from the knowledge that you have something extra on your side helps you through, I reckon it’s worth holding on to.

Johan Cruyff famously used to punch one of his team mates before every game.  I’m not sure how lucky that is for his team mate, but if it’s good enough for Johan…

So, go fetch that lucky tie, lucky earrings, lucky underwear, whatever it is that may give you a 1% lift before a big meeting or interview…the very least it can do is increase your calmness and make you feel more comfortable, and you never know what lady luck may also do for you!

Have a great weekend,


Tuesday, 10 January 2017

How things have changed…

How things have changed…

Today (Tuesday) is my birthday, a big one – 40….and yesterday I woke to the news that just 10 years ago, Apple launched the iPhone. 

It got me thinking, how could something none of us had heard of 10 years ago, be such a part of our day to day lives now?  Also, I wondered, has anything else taken over in such a way?  I couldn’t think of anything, but I did think it might be fun to Google a few things about the events in each of the decade marking years of my life, to see what has gone on.
Look out for the Simpsons one – has it really been that long?…and Google, has it really only been that long?….

No real science in the selection, and lots of very significant events omitted, but I just picked some fun ones that stood out for me….

I wonder how many Starbucks open per week???
I wonder where the electric car would be now if Google or Apple had been a car manufacturer???


  • World population est at 4.2 billion
  •  Apple Computer is incorporated.
  • The Atari 2600 home video game console is released.
  • Star Wars opens in cinemas

  • World population est at 5 billion
  • Tommy Lee Andrews is the first person to be convicted as a result of DNA fingerprinting
  • The Simpsons cartoon first appears as a series of shorts on The Tracey Ullman Show.
  • InterCity 125 breaks world diesel powered train speed record reaching 238 km/h (147.88 mph)
  • Channel Tunnel digging commences
  • The first Starbucks Coffee stores outside Seattle are opened in Vancouver and Chicago.

  • World population est at 5.8 billion
  • In Roslin, Scotland, scientists announce that an adult sheep named Dolly has been successfully cloned and was born in July 1996
  • The domain name for the web search engine Google is registered.
  • Steve Jobs returns to Apple Computer, Inc at Macworld in Boston.
  • Microsoft buys a $150 million share of financially troubled Apple Computer.
  • The Toyota Prius, the first hybrid vehicle to go into full production, is unveiled in Japan on October 24

  • World population est at 6.6 billion
  • Apple Inc.'s first iPhone smartphone is announced by Steve Jobs at Macworld in San Francisco
  • The New Wembley stadium is completed

  •  World population est at 7.4 billion
  • I wonder….

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

New Year – New Resolution or New You?

New Year – New Resolution or New You?

Happy New Year everyone, hopefully everyone is feeling relaxed and energised for 2017.
2017, can you believe it, just a blink of an eye since we were all nervously awaiting the Millennium Bug and all worldwide IT systems crashing!

So, what are the goals for 2017?  New job?  New weight?  New car?  Less debt?  More money? More time at home?  All these goals have one thing in common – you!

Whatever you are looking to change or achieve over the coming 12 months, the only person that is going to achieve them is you, and whether the goal has changed from last year, or is the same one that you have been aiming for over the last however many years, unless you do something different, you will end up here next year making the same promises.

We all mean to stick to them, I know I do - every year I am going to lose the same weight as I was going to last year, eat the same healthy food as I was going to last year, make more use of the same hours in each day as I was going to last year, and the only reason I fail is because of the decisions I make as the year progresses.

The goals don’t change, they don’t get any easier over time, but they don’t really get any harder either, so why do we fail?  Is it because they are impossible, or is it because we don’t change?

Maybe if the goals aren’t changing, I need to?  Maybe I need to reframe my definition of success?  Perhaps aim for the same goal, but rather than judging myself in February, I should judge myself in June, and then again in September and lastly in December?

For the first three months I am going to practice and discover what works for me in achieving those aims.   

With some determination, by giving myself a break if I fall backwards at any point, but focusing on the changes not to?? targets…I am hoping I will get there.

It might not work, I will let you know in 2018!!

Have a great year!!