Monday, 13 February 2017

Double Yellow Lines On The Pavement.

Double Yellow Lines On The Pavement.

Before you laugh!  Think about it…

The idea struck me today, I was making my way to our office along the Strand, which granted is busy, but at the moment there is a good number of building works and obstructions on the pavement.

Up until the smart phone, we as fully functioning, humans can navigate these tight spots without hassle, however, given that 90% of people barely go 50 paces without checking their phone, we have a problem.

The vast majority of people of course can check their phone, dare I say even text or check directions while still walking with one eye on the throng…however, there is a certain proportion that stop. Dead. Right in the middle of the pavement.  This either causes you to walk into the back of them, which I did twice today – interesting with me apologising profusely both times, the ‘stopper’ then graciously forgiving me – even though on reflection surely it should be the other way round?  (I wasn’t on my phone after all) or have to jump around them, and risk hitting the oncoming pedestrians, who will growl at their own displeasure at having to stop checking their phone to avoid you!!

It’s madness, it really is, walking along the street has become an obstacle race.  The only solution?

The yellow lines on the pavement, no stopping and no checking phones routes, an area of pavement where people like me, who quite like to look up at where they are walking and take in a bit of the journey, can do so safe in the knowledge that we aren’t going to give ourselves numerous fat lips on the backs of heads as we try to get to and from the shops or work or wherever.

It won’t happen, and I am sure we will evolve to have eyes that can focus on a screen and the world around us far better, but in the meantime, pass me my gum shield, I have to run for the bus!

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