Friday 27 January 2017

Lucky Charms

Lucky Charms

I read earlier this week that on Friday 13th January, Flight 666 took flight destined for ‘HEL’….

As I read the piece about people refusing to board etc, I’ll admit I thought ‘how ridiculous’!  But then I checked myself somewhat - I think I have superstitions riddled throughout my life…

  • When getting ready to play cricket, I always put my left batting pad on first.
  • Since starting Nicholas Howard, my lucky pen sits in the same pen slot in my brief case, even though I barely use that case anymore.
  • I never leave the house without a special keyring that means an awful lot to me.
  • I have good luck gifts from the kids scattered around my desk, and
  • I still touch wood every time I am asked how business is going.

Maybe those people not boarding that flight weren’t as different to me as I thought.   In the end, whether luck is real, or the calmness taken from the knowledge that you have something extra on your side helps you through, I reckon it’s worth holding on to.

Johan Cruyff famously used to punch one of his team mates before every game.  I’m not sure how lucky that is for his team mate, but if it’s good enough for Johan…

So, go fetch that lucky tie, lucky earrings, lucky underwear, whatever it is that may give you a 1% lift before a big meeting or interview…the very least it can do is increase your calmness and make you feel more comfortable, and you never know what lady luck may also do for you!

Have a great weekend,


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